Reduce the whitespace within the a start tag so that there is a single space before each attribute. 减少a起始标签中的空格,每个属性之前只留下一个空格。
You can also configure the server to expand the space before it is full, when its free pages fall below a specified threshold. 您还可以配置服务器,在空间变满之前以及空闲页面低于指定阈值时扩展空间。
What we would really like is to have our numbers aligned in a column with some space before the lines from the file. 我们真正想要的是将编号放到一列中,并在行的前面留一些空格。
In the second part of the listing, we added an extra space before the php opening tag, which also causes a fatal error. 在清单的第2部分中,我们在php打开标记的前面多加了一个空格,这样也导致一个致命错误。
If the count steadily rises, then you can assume that either the app server or your code has a ClassLoader leak somewhere and will run out of PermGen space before long. 如果数量稳定上升,您可以假设应用程序服务器或者您的代码某个地方有一个ClassLoader漏洞,不久之后将耗尽PermGen空间。
Fundamentally, any time your program reads or copies data into a buffer, it needs to check that there's enough space before making the copy. 从根本上讲,在程序将数据读入或复制到缓冲区中的任何时候,它需要在复制之前检查是否有足够的空间。
Persistent preallocation If an application needs to allocate disk space before actually using it, most file systems do so by writing0s to the not-yet-used disk space. 持久性预分配如果一个应用程序需要在实际使用磁盘空间之前对它进行分配,大部分文件系统都是通过向未使用的磁盘空间写入0来实现分配。
Tagging your page elements with styles will make editing a snap, you say you want more space before those sub-heads? 用样式来标记你的页面元件将使编辑过程迅速。你说你想要更多空间在小标题前面吗?
The best you can do is freeze and try to get some space before you kill her. 这时你唯一可以做的最正确的事就是马上静止并在你要杀她之前尽可能的与她保持一段距离。
Ted King went over into the space before the marble fireplace. 特德·金走到大理石壁炉的前面。
WaMu still has some financial breathing space before the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation feels compelled to act. 在联邦存款保险公司(fdic)感到必须要采取行动前,wamu在财务方面仍有一些喘息的空间。
Some messages require many more walks through the search space before a break occurs. 一些信息需要在破解之前进行若干多次搜索空间的寻的过程。
Notice, we added another space before the arrow to separate it from the post title when the page is generated for viewing. 注意,我们在箭头标记的前面有添加了一个空格,当网页可以浏览的时候,箭头标记与文章标题便分开了。
Where is my space before each line? 为什么我排的空格都没有了?
NASA says things even bigger than a spatula have been lost in space before. 美国国家航空航天局称以前丢过更大的仪器。
It is probably best to organize your physical space before settling to mental gymnastics. 最好是在你开始调整心态之前先整理一下你将要用以工作的那个物理空间。
He is a member of the Mars Society and is a space enthusiast who would love to go into space before he dies. 他是火星协会的会员之一,并且是一名太空爱好者,他希望在有生之年步入太空。
He stopped for an instant in front of the chestnut tree and once again he saw that the empty space before him did not arouse an affection either. 他在栗树前面停了片刻,再一次看见,即使这块主地也没激起他的任何感情。
This design was generated from a2D collage, which evolved into inhabitable space before transitioning into a functional building. 此设计从二维拼贴的概念开始,并能由一个可居住的空间转换成为一个功能性建筑。
Primitive green plants zone on two banks, rest space before banks, five forest belts, three water systems closely connect the canal and yard villas into one combination. 两岸原生绿植带,岸前休憩空间,五个森林带,三大水系将运河与院落别墅紧密相连,互为一体。
The# 0 drive does not have enough free space to continue packaging your application. Please free up some disk space before attempting to package your application again. 0驱动器没有足够的可用空间继续打包应用程序。请释放一些磁盘空间,再重新打包应用程序。
Style sheets provide rich control over the size and style of a font, the margins, space before and after a paragraph, the first line indent, justification and many other details. 样式表提供了对字体大小以及样式、扉页留白,段落前后的空格,首行缩进,对齐以及其他很多细节信息的丰富控制。
And how his dad used to tell him about stars, black holes and space before God took him away to Heaven. 他的爸爸在没有被上帝带到天堂之前,常常给他讲述星星、黑洞、宇宙的秘密。
Please free the necessary disk space before clicking Continue. 请在单击继续之前释放必要的磁盘空间。
A modern, partially glazed wall of shelves links the intimate space before the open fire to the living area. 一部新式的镶玻璃的架子将壁炉前的私密空间和开敞的起居室连起来。
Extract a substring from a source and optionally change its case or trim white space before placing the result in the destination. 从源析取子串,并可在将结果放入目的之前,选择更改其大小写或对空格进行剪裁。
Subdirectory, during download, so you must make sure you have enough space before attempting to start the installation. 子目录中,所以在尝试开始安装前请确认您是否有足够的磁碟空间。
You do not have enough free disk space. Quit Setup and free some more disk space before running Setup again. 可用的磁盘空间不足。在重新运行安装程序前,请退出安装程序,并释放更多的磁盘空间。
But it is also possible that the data changes are fast enough to use up the log space before the log is truncated. 但是,由于数据改变的足够快以至于在日志被截断以前而用尽了日志的空间,这种情况也是可能发生的。
The utility model is suitable for the spraying work in urban streets or narrow space before ground cleaning, and can prevent dust from flying effectively. 非常适合城市街道及狭小空间地面清扫前的喷洒作业,可有效防止尘土飞扬。